May's Mobs...What a Month!

Wow. I need a vacation after the madness of May. With 11 performances across London, Manchester and further afield, it was unexpectedly our busiest month so far!

1. 3rd & 4th - Doctor Flash Mob for Health Week

Yep, you heard right! We did a mega 4 performances at Olympia's eHealth Week for the lovely people at UKCloud - and had a fantastic time. Check out the video here - complete with Casualty Theme tune....!!

(No dancers were harmed in the making of this performance ;))

2. 16th - Waiters turning into Zombies

We've wanted to try this idea out for a while now! Our regular dancing waiters go out every ten minutes for a top-up in ghoulish make-up - subtle at first, and then more grotesque as the night goes on! We top the evening off by throwing some fake blood all over us and then making our full zombie entrance before performing our version of certainly got Barcadia's guests talking at The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester!

3. 20th May - Proposing at Alexandra Palace

If ever a girl was to be treated like a princess, it was on the 20th May when Maung took Thu to Alexandra Palace for a walk. She had always asked him to buy a suit, and he never had - until today. So worth a watch, this surprise is so heartwarming!

4. 20th May - Zombie Waiters strike again!

Just after performing a lovely, sweet proposal - we had the totally different joy of working with an amazingly creative Mum on her son's bar mitzvah - 'He loves the Walking Dead!' she told us in our consultation... 'Zombies would be amazing!' so we got out our liquid latex and set to being the scariest bar mitzvah entertainment London's ever seen...and it went down a storm with the kids and adults alike!!! No video just yet but here's a creepy backstage picture...

5. 24th May - A La La Land Cruise Performance

As cruise enthusiasts were about to board the Queen Mary in Southampton, the waiters and a few guests started to dance, and performed a musical in 4 minutes! The 400 guests were stunned, our broadway themed performance to the music from La La Land going down a treat - and to top it off, the routine is now a favourite with the whole of the dance team! 

6. 24th May - A Pilot's Retirement

We love flash mobbing for special occasions, and when Cat called us from Florida a week prior to her husband's last flight (he's a pilot for American Airlines) we were delighted to help her plan a fantastic retirement surprise! Staged in the lobby of the Holiday Inn in Kensington, the fantastic mob featured businessmen and flight stewardesses dancing to 'Come Fly With Me' coming soon...this one is not to be missed!

7. 25th May - Kings Cross gets mobbed!

No rest for Club Mob - one of our biggest flash mobs yet, we led a cast of 20 dancers and 11 members of the public in a huge flash mob for Space Ape Games! Starting off with an little old lady, the performance was truly epic. Watch out for the video, coming soon....

8. A Sky-High Proposal

With most of our performances drawing huge crowds, an intimate, personal performance is actually quite challenging for us. But Adam wanted something really personal for Beth - and after telling me her favourite songs, I knew just the guy to bring in to help me make it special - Brad Ryan from Rotherham, who I worked with on a wedding earlier this year. With Sky Garden as the location, we created a lovely mashup of her favourites, finishing on Marry You - intimate though it was, Adam's work of hiding secret messages over the years in gift cards truly made this one epic. A must see video for any romantics out there, and a fab way to finish the month of May.

Tune into the blog start of next month to see what we got up to in June - we've got Green Party politics, more La La Land adventures, private parties galore and a huge flash mob including singers and a musician playing alongside our dance team! Can't wait!! 


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